
Reference Page

You will submit a reference page in the current APA format for your Research Paper. In addition to the textbook and the Bible, your reference page must contain at least 6 scholarly sources, 4 of which must be peer-reviewed journal articles. For the 4 peer-reviewed journal articles, 2 of these must support/use Behavioral Learning Theory, […]

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Date: March 19th, 2021

Cyber Warfare and International Law

Cyber warfare – International Law – The principles of the United Nations in peaceful coexistence, inviolability of international rights, and non-infringement between states – The importance of International justice and the integrity o father state’s electronic judiciary in light of technology and the speed of communication technology – The dependence of individuals on the electronic […]

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Date: March 26th, 2020

Whitman on Representing the American Society As Chopin Focuses On American Women As They Explore Their Gender In Establishing Consistent Self-Identity

Student’s Name Professor Course Date Whitman on Representing the American Society As Chopin Focuses On American Women As They Explore Their Gender In Establishing Consistent Self-Identity Introduction The description of American identity conforms to various components such as tradition, culture, artistic expression, shared experiences, and diversity, which is characterized by the ethnic roots of its […]

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Date: August 23rd, 2018

Computer science

This is the guideline for your individual research paper assignment. The topic of your research is Blockchain (or Block Chain). Please review the Wikipedia link as a start on what is Blockchain. You are to research the subject of Blockchain technology concept. You should conduct your research on this topic by reading published articles, […]

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Date: August 22nd, 2017

Apple success in China

write essay. The topic is Apple success in China. Please answer the following questions. Each question should be about 1 page. No need of introduction and conclusion. Just start with the answer of question. The sources could be 4~5 or more. The sources only form website (no book sources) and the link should be attached […]

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Date: August 22nd, 2017


write one page based on the reading below. here are the instructions you need to analyze the text and interpret it. make sure it’s not a summary. Are there any logical flaws with text? why is the story told in the way it is? is this to be taken literally or figuratively? if this is […]

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Date: August 22nd, 2017

Application software

Describe five separate software applications and submit the following information: Purpose: Describe what features the software application provides, and why you use the software. (Not all users take advantages of all software features.) Opinion: Your opinion of the application. You may use any word format to document your applications, i.e., text or tables. An application […]

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Date: August 22nd, 2017

Race and Biology

Explore the question of biological difference and whether the concept of race has any scientific validity. Utilize the following resources. Resources : Race: Are We So Different? A Project of the American Anthropological Association (link: American Anthropological Association Statement on “Race” (link: Optional Resources: Race & Genetics FAQ (link: Optional: The Status […]

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Date: August 22nd, 2017


INSTRUCTIONS: This assignment consists of two short essay questions. The main intent of these questions is to ensure that you have a sound grasp of the fundamentals of the material presented in this unit. To that end, there is a 3 to 4 page (1000 words) limit for this question. I’m not so concerned with […]

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Date: August 22nd, 2017

five psychology terms

define and applying psychological concepts covered so far in class and/or in the textbook to the real-world. ( this DOES NOT include psychological disorders and therapy).follow the requirements/rubric below. Thoroughly describe FIVE specific psychological concepts, terms, theories, etc, in your own words (4 points each). Make sure you’re picking concepts that you have personally experienced […]

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Date: August 22nd, 2017